Fast Facts about Piedmont Virtual Airlines Historical Group

  • Modern Platform

    vAMSYS provides PVA with the finest virtual airline management system the community has had to date. We maintain a Discord, a forum, and are dedicated to reaching our members however is most convenient and practicable to them.

  • A unique atmosphere

    We don't believe in corporate role play -- there isn’t a “CEO” and this isn't a pretend job. We're just aviation enthusiasts who love flight simulation and want to create a virtual airline experience that is realistic where it counts, but relaxed and informal where it doesn't.

  • Experienced staff

    Our volunteer staff team, in addition to being passionate about aviation and flight simulation, all have some form of real world aviation experience. Airline pilots, controllers, mechanics — there’s a lot of experience here to take advantage of.

  • Community involvement

    We encourage all of our members to fly with online ATC networks like VATSIM, IVAO, and PilotEdge, and we aim to provide robust reference information to members to faciliate that.

  • Varied routes

    Our members enjoy a wide selection of routes from multiple eras and airlines without it being uncurated chaos. Care is taken to allow members to transition smoothly from one route network to another.

  • Continuous improvement

    We are dedicated to constantly improving our members experience and providing new content. Documentation, liveries, historical background, procedures — if we can create it we’ll provide it.